Instructor: Dave Wilinsen
Learn highly effective myoskeletal alignment techniques that will dramatically improve your
ability to work with conditions such as:
• chronic back pain
• spinal fixations
• easing diaphragm and rib issues
• increasing spine mobility…and more.
Head and neck pain
Dowager’s hump and forward head postures
Rib Fixations, diaphragm and breathing disorders
Low back protective muscle spasm
Chronic Back Pain
Identify and Correct Spinal Fixations
Prerequisite: This course is limited to trained practitioners and students of hands-on body
therapies (for example, Bodyworkers, Physical Therapists, Rolfers, Chiropractors, Structural
Integration Practitioners, Massage Therapists, Neuro-Muscular Therapists, and other somatic
practitioners). Students of these disciplines with at least 250 hours of hands-on training and/or
instructor approval may also be accepted. Feel free to contact us directly about prerequisites
or course content.
Each day typically provides 8 NCBTMB , ABMP , AMTA , IASI and State Board CEU's.
Approved for Advanced Myofascial Certification (CAMT) credits. These workshops are also
approved for CE/CME credits for Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Physical Therapy
Assistants, Certified Rolfers, and many other types of credit (check with your association or
agency for any special conditions or type of credit earned).